Vocations week in Reception linked in well with our topic on People who help us. We had visits from the fire service, police force and Sister Margaret. We found out all about these roles and thought about our calling by God. We discussed what we wanted to be when we are older and discussed what we would need to do to reach our goals.
Year 1 found out about the roles of a chef, nursery nurse and a priest. We learnt about what qualities and skills they need to fulfil their role and how their chosen career serves others. We also thought about what God is calling us to do.
Year 2 had a visit from one of our parents who works for the police service. She talked about the different roles of police officers and how they work hard to keep us safe. Also, we had a visit from Sister Margaret who talked to us about her own family and how they have inspired and supported her.
Year 3 had a visit from a group of fire fighters. They taught us some basic fire safety and also spoke about who and what inspired them to follow their dream. Then, we got to explore the fire engine and some of the equipment that the firefighters use.
As part of vocations week, Mrs Cooney, a PE teacher from a local secondary school came and spoke to Year 4 about her journey to become a PE teacher and what her day to day job involves. She told us more about what is involved in PE lessons which we found really interesting. We then had a go at planning a lesson, are focused on five important parts of a lesson. It was super fun to be mini PE teachers.
During Vocations Week, Year 5 were visited by PC Alex and PCSO Alex. They talked to us about their vocations as a PCSO and a Police Officer. They told us all about the training that they had to go through to get their jobs and what skills they need to use in their jobs. PC Alex and PCSO Alex are also training 12 children in our class to be Junior PCSOs.
On Monday 18th November, Tharushi Jayakody, the Vocation Promotion Outreach Fieldworker from the Archdiocese of Birmingham, came to talk to Year 6 about vocations. The children had the opportunity to ask questions and reflect on their own callings as they prepare to take the next step in their learning journey. They found the experience very inspirational and thought provoking.