New Hall Primary School
New Hall Primary School: Love to Learn
Year 5 PCSOs Graduation

Year 5 PCSOs Graduation

On Tuesday 17th December, some of the children in Year 5 graduated as PCSOs. They had completed tasks such as monitoring parking around the school, litter picking and had to learn a pledge. Back to Events...
Year 5 Marketplace Design

Year 5 Marketplace Design

On Monday 9th December, six children from Year 5 visited Birmingham Courthouse. The children had been chosen by Year 5 to represent the class and show their entry for a competition. The competition was to design a new marketplace for Birmingham. Year 5’s design...
Magical Maths Show

Magical Maths Show

KS1 and KS2 met Professor Poopenstinken. The Professor amazed us with her amazing Maths skills. She introduced an amazing Maths club that will be starting after Christmas for KS1 and KS2. We are really excited to meet the Professor again. Back to Events...