New Hall Primary School
New Hall Primary School: Love to Learn

Reception enjoyed a day at the farm today. We had many tasks set up to enjoy our new topic of ‘Old McDonald had a Farm’. We completed a range of activities based around the farm including many craft activities. We explored our new role play area of the vets and the farm shop creating different scenarios.

Year 1 enjoyed a day of finding out who Queen Elizabeth I was and why she was important. We did Elizabethan dances in the hall, where we practised steps and put them together to form a short dance. We talked about the musical instruments that were used in those times. It was lots of fun!

Year 2 enjoyed a creative day all about The Great Fire of London and why it was a significant event. We used our art skills from art week to create a fire background before adding black silhouette houses. Then, we learnt a song about The Great Fire of London called London’s Burning and performed it with instruments. After lunch, we made our very own houses to add to Pudding Lane that we have recreated in our classroom.

Year 4‘s topic this half term is the water cycle. We created a water cycle poster with explanation of each stage. Then using scratch, we began to make a computer-generated animation of the water cycle. Finally, to help us remember the cycle, we made a short song and dance.

Year 5 had a great day exploring the Blitz. We wrote poems and explored different viewpoints during the day.

Year 6 created a map of their local area. We then used atlases to find towns, cities and countries around the world. We used grid references and identified the longitude and latitude. We then completed a quiz, which really tested our worldly knowledge. After lunch, we explored Ordnance Survey maps, looking at mapping, how to use symbols and the history of these maps. It was a lovely day.