Pupil Leaders
School Council
The School Council has representatives from different classes and years.
To be elected, children have to give a speech in front of their class to tell them why they believe they would be a good school councillor. Every child in the school has a vote in the school council elections.
School Council meetings are held regularly in school. Issues that arise in class are discussed and the link teacher then allows the school council to report back to the head teacher or at staff meetings. Feedback and further action plans are always given at the next school council meeting.
This year, due to Covid-19, we have been unable to hold meetings in the usual way. School Council now have a communication system in place on our online learning platform and we communicate via there. It is great to see how the School Council team can still make a difference virtually.
If you have any ideas about how we could work together to improve our school, please see your School Councillor. Items we have worked on so far are:
- Our School Foyer
- iPads and Apps
- The school playground
- PE Equipment
- Ideas for new after school clubs
- Written letters to local elderly residents in our community
- Written to local supermarkets asking for donations
- Raised money to provide families in our community with a Christmas Dinner
Our projects for the future are:
- Developing our Prayer Garden
- Raising awareness about Internet Safety in school and to our community
- More fundraising
- Continue working on new ideas for after school clubs
School Council Representatives
Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5
Year 6
Year 6
Spiritual Council
I am a servant of Christ. It is my job to go out in the world as a leader and a servant.
St. Mark’s Spiritual Council is formed at the beginning of each year with two representatives from each class in Key Stage 2.
Here are our spiritual council members for the academic year of 2019/20. We pray that our spiritual council leaders will always follow their vocation to serve others and lead them in their faith.
Our Spiritual Council Leaders
Eco Buddies
As Eco Buddies for St Mark’s, we ensure that as a school we are doing all that we can to take care of the world and the environment.
We are environmental ambassadors and ensure we share this role the rest of the school how to make our time at St Mark’s one that’ll benefit future generations and our common home.
Our responsibilities:
- You may see us completing a range of jobs around school, which will help reduce effects on our environment.
- We make sure our school grounds are kept tidy and clean.
- We check litter is being correct disposed and not left on the ground.
- Inside our classrooms, we make sure paper is being recycled and collected on a weekly basis.
- We complete electricity checks to save as much power as possible and reduce the use of energy.
- Turning things off!