On Friday 22nd November, we were visited by Sister Margaret. Sister Margaret visited different classes to talk about her vocation. She shared with us her journey to becoming a Sister and her role as a Sister. Sister Margaret then prayed the Rosary with our Spiritual...
Vocations week in Reception linked in well with our topic on People who help us. We had visits from the fire service, police force and Sister Margaret. We found out all about these roles and thought about our calling by God. We discussed what we wanted to be when we...
On Wednesday 13th November 2019 St Mark’s took part in ‘No Pens Wednesday’ in partnership with I CAN the communication trust, where our pens and pencils were put to one side and the day is devoted to speaking and listening instead. The Communication Trust...
101 years since the end of the First World War. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th Month the guns fell silent and fighting was brought to an end. For many years our nation has fell silent on the `11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to remember. To...
Year 6 started the school off with Anti Bullying week leading an assembly. The key message was: Small Change, Big Difference. Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person, bullying has a significant impact on a child’s life well in to adulthood. By making...
Reception Reception was the place to be if you had had emergency. We had a classroom full of police officers, firefighters, doctors, builders, engineers and nurses. We had a fantastic day exploring the different occupations and how they can help us in the community....
On the 6th November 2019 we had a science investigation day across the school. All of the children became investigators for the day and did a full day of experiments. In Reception we became little Einstein’s and investigated colour and how colour changes. We had fun...
In Reception, we have been learning all about Rosa Parks. We learnt all about her courageous actions and how she stood up for what she believed in. We talked about how she changed the worlds with her actions and how that still affects us today. We acted out the story,...
On Tuesday 15th October, some residents from Grove Court came to visit School Council for afternoon tea. We shared biscuits, cakes and tea with them whilst conversing with them about their lives and what they enjoyed doing. “As we are planning to do lots more...
Following our eco assembly, the Eco-Buddies spoke to each class and give them information about what they do as eco buddies. We also shared Laudato Si, a letter by Pope Francis to help spread the word of the good we are doing here at St Marks. We gave each class an...