Events Gallery
Enjoy some of the special events and activities that go on at our school.
Read Aloud Day
For 11 years, World Read Aloud Day has called attention to the importance of sharing stories by challenging participants to grab a book, find an audience, and read aloud! When St Mark’s celebrated this special day the teachers enjoyed reading aloud different stories...
Makey-Makey Workshop
On January 28th, some children from Years 4, 5 and 6 attended a Makey-Makey workshop. The children learnt to code using the Makey-Makey resources and fruit/vegetables. Using these materials, the children connected them to the PC and created music. A banana transformed...
Inspiration Day
Reception enjoyed a day at the farm today. We had many tasks set up to enjoy our new topic of 'Old McDonald had a Farm'. We completed a range of activities based around the farm including many craft activities. We explored our new role play area of the vets and the...
Junior PCSOs on the Beat
Thank you to our Junior PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) for monitoring the parking this morning outside of the school gates. They patrol every week so please look out for them. We noticed a significant improvement this morning in parking with the junior...
Year 5 PCSOs Graduation
On Tuesday 17th December, some of the children in Year 5 graduated as PCSOs. They had completed tasks such as monitoring parking around the school, litter picking and had to learn a pledge.
Year 5 Marketplace Design
On Monday 9th December, six children from Year 5 visited Birmingham Courthouse. The children had been chosen by Year 5 to represent the class and show their entry for a competition. The competition was to design a new marketplace for Birmingham.Year 5's design for the...
Magical Maths Show
KS1 and KS2 met Professor Poopenstinken. The Professor amazed us with her amazing Maths skills. She introduced an amazing Maths club that will be starting after Christmas for KS1 and KS2. We are really excited to meet the Professor again.
Reception’s Computing Workshop
Reception children had a great time working with our parents in the ICT suite. Mrs Dykes led a workshop on the computing curriculum in Reception and gave parents an overview of the skills we would be covering over the year and how these would help us in our...
Year 6 trip to Stratford-upon-Avon
On Monday 25th November, Year 6 went to Stratford-Upon-Avon to visit Shakespeare’s birth place. A lady spoke to us about primary sources and explained how these would have been obtained and what they had. We then used the sources to discover more about a man named...
Vocations Talks with Sister Margaret
On Friday 22nd November, we were visited by Sister Margaret. Sister Margaret visited different classes to talk about her vocation. She shared with us her journey to becoming a Sister and her role as a Sister. Sister Margaret then prayed the Rosary with our Spiritual...