New Hall Primary School
New Hall Primary School: Love to Learn

Events Gallery

Enjoy some of the special events and activities that go on at our school.

Year 5 at Birmingham Museum and Gallery

Year 5 at Birmingham Museum and Gallery

On Friday 22nd November, Year 5 visited Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. In the morning, we had the opportunity to explore the museum. We looked at lots of different artefacts from Ancient Egyptian times, Ancient Greek times and artefacts from the Roman era. After...

Children Reviewing the Curriculum in School

Children Reviewing the Curriculum in School

A group of children met Mrs Linley and Mrs Picart (the Vice-Chair of Governors) to review the creative books on 18th November 2019. The discussion started with the children reviewing the action points from the last term’s scrutiny and the children were looking at...

Vocations Week

Vocations Week

Vocations week in Reception linked in well with our topic on People who help us. We had visits from the fire service, police force and Sister Margaret. We found out all about these roles and thought about our calling by God. We discussed what we wanted to be when we...

Year 1 at the Wildlife Conservation Park

Year 1 at the Wildlife Conservation Park

On Friday 15th November, Year 1 went to The Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park as part of their Science unit Animals including Humans. Year 1 had a great day, they saw mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds. They also learnt about carnivores, herbivores and...

Reception at the Thinktank

Reception at the Thinktank

Reception had a fun filled day at the Thinktank museum. They visited minibrum! A mini version of our city centre and role-played different occupations throughout the city. We got our hair restyled at the hairdressers, new clothes in the fashion section of the...

Year 6 Bingo Evening

Year 6 Bingo Evening

On Thursday 14th November, Year 6 ran a bingo event for the elderly in our community. It was a fantastic evening, where Year 6, the whole of St Mark’s community and residents from Grove Court and Homelands came together. We played bingo, had a raffle and sold poppies...

No Pens Wednesday

No Pens Wednesday

On Wednesday 13th November 2019 St Mark’s took part in 'No Pens Wednesday' in partnership with I CAN the communication trust, where our pens and pencils were put to one side and the day is devoted to speaking and listening instead. The Communication Trust make oracy a...

Remembrance Day Service

Remembrance Day Service

101 years since the end of the First World War. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th Month the guns fell silent and fighting was brought to an end. For many years our nation has fell silent on the `11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to remember. To...

Year 5 Work with PSCOs

Year 5 Work with PSCOs

In Year 5 we have been given the opportunity to work alongside a PCSO. Throughout the next six weeks we will be working with PCSO Alex and PC Alex to complete a range of tasks such as carrying out a Road Safety audit, litter picking and understanding the role of a...

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week

Year 6 started the school off with Anti Bullying week leading an assembly. The key message was: Small Change, Big Difference. Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person, bullying has a significant impact on a child’s life well in to adulthood. By making...