St. Mark’s Catholic Primary School is a large school at the heart of its community.
We currently have 210 pupils on our roll. We are a one form entry school with up to 30 pupils in each year group.
We have a very large site that offers our pupils an exceptional environment in which to learn. We have a large playing field, two play ‘jungle’ areas, two large playgrounds and an outdoor classroom for learning.
When a child begins their education with us they will most likely begin in our Reception Class. Our Early Years teachers offer a very wide variety of experiences and opportunities for pupils to express themselves and learn. Our pupils’ personal, social and emotional development is key and our dedicated team of staff ensure pupils’ needs are met every day. Child Initiated learning is a fundamental part of our EYFS practice and our pupils very quickly develop into confident, independent learners that are well prepared to move into Year 1.
At Key Stage 1 a high emphasis is placed on the development of reading as this is crucial to success in both writing and mathematics. We follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme to deliver our phonics and pupils achieve well by the end of Key Stage 1. For more information on Read Write Inc you can find this in the Read Write Inc section on our website.
In Key Stage 2 we focus on developing our pupils skills across the curriculum and in Literacy and Numeracy in particular. Our fundamental aim is to ensure all our pupils are given the skills to learn effectively throughout their lives. When they leave our school, our pupils are always well prepared for the future.
At St. Mark’s we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is based on the aim of developing confident, independent pupils, high in self esteem, with meaningful skills and a clear understanding of their place in the world. Our curriculum is creative, fun and full of interesting and vibrant learning experiences for all our pupils.
Our lunchtimes are packed full of fun activities for pupils to take part in and we have a high number of lunchtime and after school clubs on offer to enrich the learning experiences of our pupils.