Junior PCSOs
This beneficial project has been developed to support children in Key Stage 2.
It aims to increase the confidence and self-esteem of the children, while promoting positive police engagement in order to encourage the children to feel confident to approach their local policing teams with community information and concerns, or for help and support.
Our first PCSO recruits
Junior PCSO Job Description
Could you be a Junior PCSO and work alongside West Midlands Police? Helping with topics at your school and in the community. These include:
- How to keep you and other people safe on the roads around school.
- Helping keep school and community clean and tidy.
- Being a friend to anyone who is maybe having problems at school or at home.
- Being safe when using the internet.
The training will be during school time on an afternoon one day a week.
When you have finished your training, you will take part in the following activities as a Junior PCSO:
- Morning parking patrol around the school.
- Afternoon parking patrol around the school.
- Litter pick.
- 1 speed watch.
- School road safety talk (led by junior PCSOs).
Things you will learn in your training:
- Phonetic Alphabet.
- Road Signs and Safety.
- Seat belts and In Car Safety.
- Citizenship and the Environment.
- Online Safety Awareness.
- Basic First Aid/CPR.
- The PCSO Pledge.
- Looking after your uniform and books.
What our first PSCO recruits said
“The thing I enjoyed the most is when we got to pick up litter because it’s helping the environment.”
“I enjoyed putting tickets on cars to help parking.”
“I think being a PCSO will encourage young people to listen and follow what we do.”
“It is important to have PCSO’s because they can help our environment.”