New Hall Primary School
New Hall Primary School: Love to Learn



At St. Mark’s school, we begin teaching reading with a focus on phonics and we use Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc (RWI) programme.

The foundations are laid in Reception where the focus is, first of all, on developing careful and accurate listening, and having fun with sounds, words and sentences. The children learn good reading behaviour by imitating our teachers’ excellent modelling. Our children are encouraged to ‘read’ words and captions around our text rich learning environment and to compose their own. As a result, our young children soon learn to share our love for reading. Parents are invited to Parent Workshops throughout the year to help you to support your child.

Read more about the Read Write Inc programme

Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum
Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum


At St. Mark’s we LOVE to read! Reading is at the centre of all that we do and we recognise how important reading is to support children in later life.

In every year group, we have a class text. This class text has been carefully chosen by your child’s class teacher to engage and challenge your child. These texts are read with your child as part of their reading lessons.

Here are just a few of the text that we have been studying this year:

In Reception and Key Stage 1, children are given a RML book that is matched to their reading ability and a book that they have chosen that they can share with an adult. Children are assessed half-termly to ensure they are on the correct reading band.

In Key Stage 2, children are able to visit the school’s new library two lunchtimes per week and once with the class teacher to choose a book from their given book band. They are able to take this home to read each night and they are given time in school to enjoy this book too.

Teachers in school regularly listen to children read and discuss the text with the children during 1:1 and small group reading sessions.

Also, see our reading presentations made to parents to promote reading:

Our School Library

At the start of the Autumn Term in 2020, our new school library was officially opened.

Inside the library, you will find a huge range of books to suit all different abilities and interests. Our library is used on a regular basis by all of the children in the school. At lunchtimes, teachers run reading clubs where children can come and sit and enjoy a book. We have a highly trained Library Team of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils who support children in the library and are always happy to share a book with the children.

We also have outdoor libraries on the KS1 and KS2 playground so that children can read during their break and lunchtime if they choose to.

Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum

Reading Around School

Every classroom has a wide range of books that are appropriate for the reading ages of the children within the class. Also, in each class and around school, there are exciting reading displays. These displays are there to engage children with reading and also to support children during reading lessons.

Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum

Celebrating Reading

We celebrate reading in many different ways. Every year we celebrate Read Aloud Day. On Read Aloud Day, each class teacher chose their favourite book and then they visited different classes to share this book with the children. We all had a great time sharing books!

Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum

Reading Breakfast

Every class has a reading breakfast where you can come into school and share a book with your child. You even get a piece of toast!

Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum

Writing at St. Mark’s

In all year groups, teachers plan exciting and engaging writing lessons through our class text that we read during our reading lessons.

We always begin each unit with a hook activity which encourages us to discuss and make predictions. We finish each unit with a piece of writing. Our writing always has a purpose. Sometimes we write letters of persuasion, Reception created wanted posters for the Big Bag Wolf and Year 6 created information pages to go onto our school’s website.

We also have afternoons where we visit another classroom to share what we have been writing with other children and teachers. Around school, you will also find lots of amazing examples of our wonderful writing.

Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum
Making leaf collages with mum
Working with mum